Amritsar: A City With Glorious Legacy

by: Varinder Singh Walia

  • ₹ 695.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 590.75 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 81-7205-480-7
  • Edition(s): Apr-2012 / 1st
  • Pages: 320
  • Availability: Out of stock
Amritsar is world-famous by virtue of its being historically prominent centre of Sikh religious sovereignty. The writing in this volume portray the ever-glorious chronicles that have remained a hallmark of the city since Guru-period in maintaining human-harmony, ever exhorting the national spirit, upkeeping its literary ambience and contribution towards overall welfare of the people. With glittering traditions championed on the horizons of history by world famous dignitaries of the city, the information contained in the book stands testimony to its distinct secular character.


 From the Editor's Pen - Amritsar : Sifti da Ghar  / XI

 My Acknowledgements / XVI


Section I

Glimpses of History

 History Revisited / 3

 Forgotten Chapter of Glorious History / 6

 Did Guru Gobind Singh Ji Really Visit the Holy Ciry? / 8

 A Panoramic Peep into the History of Punjab / 11

 A Golden Leaf from the Annals of Sikh History / 14

 Jallianwala Bagh Revisited / 18

 A Forgotten Hero / 22

 A Monumental Neglect / 25

 Historical Bhakna Village / 29

 A Peep into a Glorious Chapter of Indian History: Kamagatamaru / 32

 Shah Mohammad: The Chronicler of Jangnama / 34

 Great Escape to Kabul / 37


Section II

Institutions of Greatness

 City's Pride / 43

 IGralsa College: A Beacon of Light / 47

 A College with a Difference / 50

 Sangalwala Akhara's Unique Heritage / 54

 In Service of Sociery / 57

 Two Gems of Education, Architecture / 60


Section III

Literary Legacy

 An Ode to Punjabi Culture : Bhai Vir Singh / 65

 City's Patriotic Muse : Nanak Singh Novelist / 68

 A Proud Legacy Dies in Dust: Lala Dhani Ram Chatrik / 70

 Preet Nagar Dream Dies a painful Death / 72

 Cradle of Writers / 75

 Garden of the Beautiful Girl, in Ruins / 78

 A Giani, A Gurmukh and A Musafir / 81

 Gianr of Punjabi Literarure / 83

 Hindi Novel's First Cradle / 87


Section IV

Stars of the Ciry

 Dr Manmohan Singh / 91

 Treasure Trove of History Neglected / 94

 Bhagat Puran Singh / 98

 Dr Kiran Bedi / 100

 Honouring One's Own / 102

 Citizen Dang / 105

 Global Family of the Gills / 108

 Amritsar: Mecca for Eye Surgery / 111

 comrade Parduman: The Man Behind pension schemes in India / 115

 Sohan Singh Josh: A Forgorten Hero / 119

 Man who made Efforts to Avert the Operation Bluestar / 123

 Saga of Shaurya Chakras / 125


Section V

Cultural Confluences

 Unique Cult of Anand Marga / 131

 Peshawaris Strive to Keep their Identity Alive / 133

 A Bit of Bihar in punjab,s Heart / 136

 Jangams add Colour to the Ciqy's Spectrum / 138

 Enterprising Himachalis in the City / 140

 Jains of the Holy Ciry / 143

 A Bit of Marwar in the Holy City / 145

 From the Land of paradise to the Holy City / 148

 West of Orissa, East of Punjab / 152

 A Rags-to-Riches Story / 155

 Historical Harmony viz Punjab and Bengal / 159

 City's Burma Connections / 162

 A Tale of Two Cities / 165

 Date with Dayton Sikhs / 168

 From Caf6 Culture of Los Angeles to 'Lassi' of Rajasansi / 171

 Eat, Drink and Be Amritsari / 174

 Matter of Faith / 177


Section VI

Artists and Artistes

 Striking the Right Chord: Mohammad Rafi / 181

 The Rich Life of an Artist who was a Pauper / 185

 Art and Life of Phulan Rani / 188

 Tinsel Town Tinkle / 190

 Ciry Actors Shine in Film on Baba Deep Singh Ji / 193

 Balle-Balle From Amritsar to L.A' / 196

 Art of Breaking Barriers / 198


Section VII

Minorities of Distinction

 Rai Sikhs: Tigers of Border Belt / 203

 Struggling to Keep the Sacred Flame Alive : The Parsis / 205

 Free Massons' Confidential Code / 209


Section VIII

On Horizons of Heritage

 Whither Devotion to Heritage? / 215

 Callous Neglect of Historical Monuments / 219

 Sifti Da Ghar in Neglect / 225

 A Tale of Plunder / 228

 Edifices of Pride : The Historical Gates / 231

 The Rise and the Fall / 233

 Ponds, Tanks - Relics of a BYgone Era / 236


Section IX

Of Trades and Travails

 Ancient Bazaars of Holy Ciry: Shoppers, Delight / 241

 Amritsar Awaits Export Boom / 244

 Delicate Wraps from the Ciry / 247

 Modernisation Beats Life out of pots and pans Industry / 249

 Ciry of Kirpans / 252

 Playing with Fire / 256

 Turban Clinics in the Ciry / 258

 Topiwalas / 260

 Opium Trade Transcends All Borders / 263

 Amritsar is the Worst Drug-Affected / 266


Section X

Viraasat Villages

 800 Years of Sultanwind / 271

 Fatehabad: Once rhe Capital of Ahluwalia Misl / 275

 Sirhali: A Village Steeped in History / 278

 Islamabad: A Sanctuary for Bhagat Singh / 281

 Kaleyaanwala lClooh at Ajnala / 285

 Vandalisation of Border Heritage / 287

 Repository of Rare Treasure : Mallu Nangal / 289

 Shiva Temple Gets a Facelift / 292

 Nothing 'Bura' about this ,Bhala,Village / 294

 Narli Village has Matchless Records / 296

 From a Historical Town to a Decrepit Village / 300


Section XI

Indo-Pak Ties

 Indo-Pak Trade / 305

 The Ciry's Gold Link with Pakistan / 308

 Indo-Pak Ties Being Fed on pure Basmati Rice / 311

 Rakhi Strings Strengthen Indo-pak Ties / 313

 Samjhauta Express : Let the Train Run / 315

 Such a long journey from Attari to Wagah / 319

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