Beyond Identity

by: Preminder Singh Sandhanwalia

  • ₹ 450.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 382.50 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 81-7205-395-9
  • Edition(s): Oct-2007 / 1st
  • Pages: 336
  • Availability: In stock
Beyond identity expertly weaves the two strands of love and identity over fifty years from 1982 to 2032. As work of fiction it describes how Ranjit Singh’s happy college life is tragically changed by the 1984 militancy in Punjab and the disturbances in Delhi. The storyline follows him across three continents, two love affairs, careers in the media and in the United Nations and his work for a major Sikh think-tank. As a study of identities, minorities, assimilation and multiculturalism, Ranjit’s roller-coaster emotional journey is interspersed with his passionate search for an idea to ensure that the identity of the Sikhs, the fifth largest community in the world, continues to prevail. The cerebral Ranjit gradually feels his way through various options to resolve this quandary before coming up with a stunningly original and modernistic solution.

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