In The Service of Free India: Memoir of a Civil Servant

by: B.D. Pande

  • ₹ 699.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 629.10 (INR)
  • Paperback
  • ISBN: 978-93-5447-152-0
  • Edition(s): Oct-2021 / 1st
  • Pages: 352
In the decades following 1947, as the tallest national leaders were building a new India, they were supported by a band of idealistic civil servants fiercely committed to the country’s Constitution and its people. Among these remarkable officers was Bhairab Datt Pande. After retirement, he was governor of West Bengal during the resurgence of Naxalism in the early 1980s, and of Punjab in 1983–84–a tragic and turbulent year in the history of the state and the nation. Pande chose to resign as governor rather than carry out unconstitutional orders. His compelling narration of the behind-the-scenes events and negotiations leading up to the Anandpur Sahib Resolution and Operation Bluestar is of great value. Engaging and inspiring in equal measure, this memoir is both a fascinating record of an extraordinary life and an important and revealing historical document.

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