Who’s Who : Punjab Freedom Fighters (Vol. 2)

by: Param Bakhshish Singh (Prof.)

  • ₹ 800.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 720.00 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 81-7380-860-5
  • Edition(s): reprint
  • Pages: 933
  • Availability: Out of stock
Both the volumes on ‘Who’s Who, Punjab Freedom Fighters’ offer to the world the fruit of several years of hard and painstaking labour by a team of devoted scholars. A monumental work by any standard, it contains approximately seventeen thousand entries relating to the people of this region who, in one way or another, contributed their mite in the sacred cause of the country’s freedom from the yoke of British imperialism. For patriots of note among them somewhat detailed notes have been given in the earlier portion of the book. A comprehensive introduction has been added which focuses the broad milestones in the history of freedom movement in the Punjab and provides the necessary background for the proper understanding of the role of individual freedom fighters.

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