Vignettes of Sikh Faith (Vol – 1)

by: Karnail Singh Somal

  • ₹ 68.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 61.20 (INR)
  • Paperback
  • ISBN:
  • Edition(s): reprint
  • Pages: 48
  • Availability: In stock
The Punjabis have carved a glorious history by dint of unvemitting zeal and unparallel sacrifices under the wise and cathartic guidance of the Ten Gurus, new values of life have been evolved and a new meaning has been accorded to the humankind. Simple brotherhood, simple living and new structure of society have originated. Despite all this regeneration, and the values which lend honour and dignity to an individual have been gradually stand eroded from the pages of history. The new generation is drifting away from its cultural heritage and mornings. Parents and leaders of both foreign and native land are weighed down with a sort of anxious thought process. The pondering and experience of the author have culminated in the shape of present effort.

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