The Meaning Of Sikh Baptism (Amrit Ki Hai)

by: Randhir Singh (Bhai Sahib)

  • ₹ 25.00 (INR)

  • Paperback
  • ISBN:
  • Edition(s): Jan-2002 / 3rd
  • Pages: 64
  • Availability: In stock
This book is a short dialogue which took place in a prison cell in the summer of 1922 between a rational minded enquirer and an illumined saint-scholar bringing out some of the hitherto unrecorded aspects of Sikh baptism. This discussion between the author, Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and his prison companion in the Indian Freedom Movement, Bhai Kartar Singh, took place in the Rajahmundry Jail in Andhra State of India. One day Bhai Kartar Singh was reciting the Sukhmani (prayer of peace by Guru Arjan Dev), on hearing which Bhai Randhir Singh remarked, "There is devotion and eager thirst, but how sad that there is no aesthetic and spiritual flavour (Rasa) in this recitation." These words created a disturbing agony in the mind of Bhai Kartar Singh. He began to reflect seriously over his spiritual shortcomings, and he wanted to know what aesthetic and spiritual flavour (Rasa) actually was? It led to a brief but thought provoking discussion with Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh about Sikh Baptism and aesthetic experiences of Sikh mysticism.

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