Jap: The Essence Of Nanakian Philosophy

by: Devinder Singh Chahal (Dr.)

  • ₹ 195.00 (INR)

  • ₹ 175.50 (INR)
  • Hardback
  • ISBN: 0-9734291-0-0
  • Edition(s): Jan-2003 / 1st
  • Pages: 147
  • Availability: In stock
Jap is such an important part of Gurbani that it has been incorporated at the beginning of the Aad Guru Granth Sahib. Since there are already many interpretations of Jap in Punjabi as well as in English and other languages, then the question is: What is the need of another interpretation of Jap? Critical analyses of many of the interpretations of Jap indicate that they are heavily dominated with ancient philosophy and mythology where the real theme of Nanakian philosophy has been lost altogether. Therefore, the author has attempted to interpret Jap scientifically and logically so that the readers could understand the originality and uniqueness of the Nanakian philosophy to understand the philosophy, enshrined in the Aad Guru Granth Sahib, in its real perspective.

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